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Cookies on Submit trade union facility time data

Cookie settings

We use two types of cookie some of which support the performance and function of this site. You can choose which cookies you are happy for us to use.

Strictly necessary cookies

These essential cookies do things like:

  • remember the notifications you've seen so we do not show them to you again.
  • remember your progress through a form.
  • enable core functionality such as website registration, security, network management and accessibility.

Cookies always need to be on however they can be switched off by changing the settings on your browser.

Cookies that measure website use

These cookies collect information about:

  • how you use our website - for instance, which pages you go to most. This data is used to make it easier for you to move through the site.
  • whether you came to our website from an affiliate site.

These cookies provide us with statistics and do not collect information that identifies you. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.